These are the main concepts used in Biuwer. Most of them are present in other tools, but we have applied our personal approach to keep everything as simple yet powerful as possible.
Biuwer is a Data Platform mainly used by companies anywhere in the world for Business Analytics. When you sign-up for a new Biuwer account, an Organization is created to manage all your company resources (users, security, data, content, etc.). Billing is configured per Organization.
Each person using Biuwer must have a user, that enables accessing the platform using an email address and a secure password. There are two types of users, Standard and Basic.
Standard Users enable to perform any action in Biuwer, including creating content, managing data, etc. depending on the configured security scheme in your organization.
Basic Users can only consume and analyze data, so they cannot create or edit content, nor access administration features.
Group of Users
Groups of Users make the security management easier as they allow to gather related users in a single entity.
For example, a group called "Sales Team" can include all the people working in the Sales Department and we shall use "Sales Team" as a whole and not each single user to manage the security access settings.
Roles are collections of permissions that allow Users and Groups of Users to perform certain actions in Biuwer Platform.
Additionally to the horizontal permissions given by a role, individual object permissions are available throughout Biuwer, to enable individual Users or Groups of Users to view, edit or administer an object, for example, a Page or a Card.
Spaces are important in Biuwer as they are a powerful tool to manage content and data (reports, dashboards and insights) in a meaningful way to the Users in your Organization.
A space is similar to a folder, where you can store and arrange different kinds of objects, mainly Pages and Cards. Spaces allow us to organize data in different ways, for example, Departments, Projects, Clients or any other kind of structure your Organization may need.
There are two types of Spaces:
Shared Spaces, are the default in Biuwer, since the platform has been built with data sharing in mind. When someone creates a Space it’s a Shared Space that can be accessed by the Users and Groups of Users that the owner or any administrator configure.
Personal Spaces, created automatically for each Standard User. They are useful for personal data exploration or when preparing something that cannot yet be shared with other Users or Groups of Users.
Pages are the equivalent of other concepts such as dashboards, data panels or even scorecards used in other tools. In Biuwer a Page is a container of any combination of Cards and are used to organize data visually.
Each Page has its own configuration, including security access setting, data filters, structure of content, etc. Pages can be duplicated and moved between different Spaces.
Cards are the equivalent of other concepts used in other tools, such as reports, widgets, charts, visuals or even just items. In Biuwer a Card is any piece of content that can be consumed individually and included in any number of Pages. We are continually improving the Card catalog and each Card type features.
Currently these are the available types of Cards, each of which has several options to be configured:
KPI: shows metrics totals, using advanced configuration options (multiple metrics, custom styles, icons, conditional formatting, etc.).
Chart: there are available +12 types of charts each of them with advanced configuration options (multiple axis, custom styles, custom data formats, data labels, conditional formatting, etc.).
Vertical table: this type of Card is commonly used to show long lists, with fast scrolling up to 100K rows and with the included features (totals, subtotals, multiple sorts and filters, conditional formatting, custom styles and themes, dynamic columns, etc.).
Cross table: this type of Card is commonly used to build matrices of data comparing any combination of dimensions and metrics, also with fast scrolling and with the included features (totals, subtotals, sorts, conditional formatting, custom styles and themes, etc.).
Gauge: shows a horizontal, vertical or radial representation of a metric, to monitor the level of compliance of target values.
Custom Card: one of the most advanced features of Biuwer is the capability to include any feature that looks like a regular Card. They are commonly used by enterprise Organizations that need to build custom apps inside Biuwer, such as third party integrations, custom charts, custom reports, custom KPIs, custom maps, custom web forms, etc.
Filters are very important in Biuwer and have been designed to be part of Pages and Cards by default, so that any Page or Card can have any number of Filters of different data types that enable us to make powerful interactive analysis.
Each User has its own filters configuration, per Page and per Card, so anyone can perform different analysis using the same base Pages and Cards.
Filters key features are:
Configure which filters apply to which Cards
Dependent filters using hierarchical data relations
Shown or hidden, mandatory or optional, one value or multiple values
Multiple configuration options
Predefined values for date ranges
Top values filters
Data Connections allow us to obtain data from different data sources. They are also known as integrations in other tools. Use our Data Catalog to select the type of technology divided in these five categories:
File Stores
We are always improving the Data Catalog, including the most used Data Connections for our customers. Feel free to reach us if you need any specific connection not currently available.
Once a Data Connection has been established, Biuwer models the data entities available through it using Datasets, that point to physical tables or views in databases or other data objects in files, applications or events.
Reverse Engineering is a very useful tool available in Biuwer Data Center, capable of discovering Datasets for you in database connections, in order to create and maintain the Dataset fields automatically.
Data Model
Every query performed by any Card or Filter is done through one Data Model, that allows us to define the behavior of data. A Data Model is built with a collection of Datasets and the relationships between them. The same Dataset can be included in different Data Models to perform different types of data analysis.
Last updated
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